3 Christian Fiction Writers Your Children Should Be Reading

4 min readOct 24, 2022


There was a time in my life when I was obsessed with reading every book I could find. This period coincided with the Christmas holiday when my eldest brother brought his then-girlfriend home to spend the holiday with us. I was a teenager at the time and she brought some Christian novels with her.

I got hooked on those books or rather she addicted me to them and the result was my sudden access to and love of Christian novels. I am pretty sure she doesn’t remember, it’s been almost a decade and a half after all and they have 4 lovely children together now.

Before we go ahead, please note that these books or authors aren’t tailored to a particular gender or age. Now that we have cleared this up, let’s get on with the list then.

Francine Rivers

Francine Rivers is one of the Christian authors who write bible stories in a relatable way. In the image above are some of her books that I first read. All three books tell the story of what happened 70A.D after Jesus Christ had been crucified and the Roman empire was at the peak of power.

These books are sure to help establish and build your child’s faith in God as they follow the story of Hadassah, a slave girl originally from the town of Judea who was sold to the home of an Ephesus multi-billionaire.

Book one depicts her standing strong in faith despite open persecution and how her faith affected all members of her new household.

She is eventually fed to the lions in the colosseum at her refusal to deny her God and book one ends with her death though we are subtly told that God will keep those who trust in him from death. The other two books in the ‘Mark of the Lion’ series are as phenomenal as any of her other books that I have read.

‘Her Mother’s dream and her Daughter’s Dream’ are some of her books that are more non-fiction as they depict real events from her family history. The books preach redemption, forgiveness, and the importance of communication in all relationships.

Karen Kingsbury

As can be seen in the image above, Karen Kingsbury’s redemption series which she co-wrote with Gary Smalley was the first of her books I could get my hands on. This woman writes so well she was my sister’s inspiration to do her Ph.D. in Indiana; home to the fictional Baxter family.

Her writing style almost makes you feel like you are there feeling Ashley’s fears when she met Landon, making mistakes along with Lucas, feeling the terror overwhelming Brooke and Peter, and the nationwide or rather worldwide gloom accompanying the 9/11 events. Karen had me crying when Sarah died and when Sarah’s door was founded.

Karen has a pattern to her books; every single book title in the redemption series starts with the letter R while book titles in the firstborn series start with F and so on. I think that makes it easier for the average reader to track.

Karen Kingsbury is like that author who writes Christian novels in subtle ways and not the ‘in your face, you sinner’ way.

Angela Hunt

If as a Christian, you ever wondered what happened after Jacob or Isreal declared on his deathbed that Ephraim would be greater than Manasseh, Joseph’s first son, this is the book for you.

Angela Hunt tried to depict in the book, the drama that must have ensued immediately after, the special treatment that the younger brother would be getting, and the anger that must have come upon Manasseh.

This is one book that made reading the Bible and relating to it easier for me.

Then I found ‘The Notebook’ and I knew I had found another Author whose books would keep me awake all night.

Just like the cover above says; it’s a book of second chances. After a big plane crash, all that survives is a note in a plastic bag addressed to a child, ‘T’. Peyton MacGruder, a journalist spends time searching for ‘T’ only to end up facing a past she had kept hidden deep within her for too long.

She confronts tears she hadn’t let herself shed, she finally allowed herself to grieve the loss of her husband and child. She finds comfort when she is reunited with her long-lost child who just happens to be the ‘T’ she was searching for.

These authors are well-known for their modern depiction of the Gospel and are such wonderful authors for your children to read especially in times when they are curious and asking so many questions about God, the Bible, morals, and religion

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Written by Esmeraldawrites

A lover of books, movies, and nature.

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