5 Herbs/Spices You Should Start Eating
If you are African, from the Caribbean, or Asia, you probably already eat so many of the herbs and spices I would be talking about in this article but you most likely don’t know why you should or even how they work.
I love cooking with a lot of these spices and herbs, leaning over my open pot, and just inhaling.
So many of these herbs and spices have healing properties, immunity-boosting properties, and even anti-inflammatory properties and while there is no scientific evidence that they cure serious diseases, they can help relieve symptoms.
Turmeric as an anti-oxidant helps to reduce pain and inflammation, lower blood sugar, increase bile flow and even serve as an analgesic. It also helps detoxifies the liver, promotes weight loss, helps control diabetes, helps prevent arthritis, and aids digestion.
You can either add the powdery form to your stew, soup, or pot of meat. You can also cook the root form with your regular black or green tea.
You should however abstain if you have kidney stones, iron deficiency, gastric problems, allergies, breast cancer or are pregnant.
Ginger Root
You have probably read so many articles telling you to eat ginger but not telling you why. Well, ginger treats diarrhea, eases period cramps, bloating, and flatulence, and increases sexual activity. It is also a remedy for nausea and gastrointestinal issues.
People can use it for seasickness, motion sickness, and morning sickness. I remember a few months on a flight, I got queasy and one of the cute-looking flight hosts made me a cup of ginger tea.
Now I can’t say whether I was healed by his handsomeness but the important thing is that my stomach settled.
I would also be trying some carrot and ginger cake soon.
Also known as the powerhouse of Antioxidants, Cinnamon helps boost moods and energy levels, supports healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, and helps inhibit certain bacteria and fungi.
If you eat pastries, bread, cake, and herbal teas, you are probably taking in some cinnamon already, but if you aren’t; it’s time to try out that cinnamon bun or roll.
Some sources also say that cinnamon can be a remedy for toothache, diabetes, and infertility and can give you youthful skin.
When I was about ten years old, I saw the movie ‘mistress of spices’ where the heroine was played by the ever-beautiful Aishwarya Rai Bachan. I have never been so jealous of chili as I was at that moment especially towards the end when the spices got jealous and all colors of chili were falling on her.
Chili through time has proven healthy for the heart, assisting weight loss because you will be in the toilet a whole lot. It also helps to help congestion, boost immunity, relieve fever, and reduce pain.
Over the last weekend, I got cold, and as the African child that I am, I simply made some spicy soups and stews while drinking a lot of hot fluids. Needless to say that I am better now.
You have probably heard, seen, and eaten this before but you didn’t know exactly what it does.
Thyme helps treat acne, respiratory disorders, and muscle cramps keep your bone healthy, and contributes to hair growth. It also improves eyesight, controls blood pressure, and treats colds, coughs, and sore throats.
I cook my meat, stews, and soup with lots of thyme for the aroma as well as the health benefits.
In conclusion, kindly refer to the disclaimer: these are all herbs and spices I have and use in my kitchen and the article isn’t me acting as a health expert but just sharing the health benefits of easily accessible herbs and spices.