Bread In A Saucepan / No Oven / No Mixer/No Egg /Homemade Recipes
Though bread isn’t the most healthy food for us, I haven’t met someone who doesn’t like bread. Bread is a versatile food; from toast to sandwiches to being paired with eggs, omelets, butter, peanut butter, cheese and so much more.
In my quest to find the best and easiest homemade DIY recipe, I found this lovely recipe I will share with you. The best thing about this recipe is that you don’t need a dough mixer or oven to make it. As long as you have a frying pan you are good to go!
A video detailing the entire process can be found on my YouTube Channel.
To recreate this recipe, you will need;
300g of Ap flour
200ml of warm Milk
3 tbsp of Sugar
1 tsp of Yeast
1/2 tsp of Salt
2 tbsp of melted unsalted butter
Now to the processes
Pour measured milk into a clean mixing bowl, add sugar, yeast, and mix.
Add in flour and salt, mix, and let it rest for 20 minutes in an oiled bowl.
Fold the butter into the dough, knead for a bit, and roll into a ball.
Place in an oiled bowl and let it rest for one hour.
One hour later, bring it out of the bowl and place it on a flat surface already dusted with flour.
Deflate the dough and cut it into eight equal parts. Roll each piece into a little ball until they all look like this:
Set aside and grease your frying pan with butter.
Arrange the dough balls into your greased frying pan, it should look like this;
Cover and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Open and glaze the top with butter and cover to cook for another 5 minutes.
Flip the sides and coo for another 15 minutes on low heat.
Then your bread or dinner rolls are ready to be served.
Enjoy this yummy goodness with butter, egg, or even hot cocoa. Do have a great day and when you try this recipe, please let me know. Don’t forget to clap and comment, thanks.