What You Should & Shouldn’t Do To Your Skin/ Skincare Dos & Don’ts
Skin care is as essential to humans as food is. When you water your plant, you say you are taking care of it, when you take your car in for maintenance and servicing, you say you are taking care of it. Why then do you think your physical vehicle which is your body should be devoid of care?
I can already hear you saying ‘but, I eat food and drink water, brush my teeth, and take my bath’. Doing the aforementioned isn’t bad but your skin needs more. If you have ever seen a celebrity’s skin and wished you had the same, this is where you should be.
Celebrities might have access to dermatologists and the best skin care experts and while you don’t; here are easy skincare dos and don’ts that would certainly leave your skin better than ever.
Skincare Dos
Please wash your face
I would love to believe that every living and breathing creature takes a bath now and then, at least a shower every day. Besides more private sections of your body, your face is a part you should pay special attention to. It’s that part of you that can either attract or repulse others. Also, your face then collects a lot of dirt and germs because it is the part of you that is open and not protected by clothing. Those germs and dirt if left unchecked result in those pimples and acne that just won’t leave.
Wear protective clothing
If you would be going out in hot weather, it’s advisable to wear soft clothes that cover your arms and legs. I know you want to tan and get some color in while you can, I would explain later why this might not be a good idea for you.
Use Sunscreen
This also serves as a sunblock and protects you from getting sunburned. However, it is important to make sure your sunscreen contains some essential UV filters and SPF. I would recommend reading the bottles before buying and reading after buying for directions on use.
Pursue Healthy Habits
It has been said that health is wealth, while I don’t completely agree with this saying, I however agree that no one wants to spend all their wealth on hospital bills. Eating healthy has many benefits, one of which is glowing and clear skin. Exercise can also aid you on your skincare journey ensuring your skin is free of eyebags, fine lines, saggy skin, or wrinkles. Healthy habits also help you get rid of unhealthy cravings.
Change those bedsheets and pillowcases
When was the last time you changed your bedsheets and pillowcases? If your face itches after a night between the sheets, that’s a sign you need to change them. Dirty bedsheets and pillowcases can and will transfer germs and dirt to your body which will then result in a face filled with acne or itchiness and rashes.
Quit Smoking
I know you hate me already but before I go, let me remind you that nicotine ages you faster, dry out your skin, discolors it, and opens your organs up to cancers of all kinds. If you can, avoid smoking altogether.
Stress causes your skin to be oilier which then creates acne, rashes, and skin irritation of all types. I know you have a busy schedule but find a few minutes to relax. I work from home which means I am always working or thinking about work so every Sunday, I take a break for a few hours, lie in bed with the pillows and duvet and binge-watch Korean drama or read books. For a few hours, the world outside the bedroom disappears and I am once again at peace and ready for the new week.
Skincare Don’ts
Don’t Tan Without Sunscreen
I know no one wants to look pale in hot weather but while the sun is good for you, overexposure to it can lead to skin problems and we are not just talking about sunburns. It could lead to skin cancer, premature aging, melanoma, and severe skin damage.
Don’t forget to Moisturize
Whether you are going out or not, it’s important to moisturize and it’s even better after you have just taken a hot bath. Why? Your skin is more tender, your pores are open and the moisturizer is likely to permeate effectively.
Don’t Pop your Pimples
I know your love language is your partner popping your pimples but dearie, it might be time to explore other love languages. Popping a pimple that isn’t ripe yet will lead to black spots and scarring which I would safely assume you don’t want.
Don’t Overdo your Makeup
I love makeup but I have realized that my skin doesn’t. I usually would get a lot of acne for the next few weeks after wearing makeup for only a few hours so I had to limit my makeup to light and simple coverage and wear for only a few hours.
Don’t try Every Product
I don’t think I can say this enough, not every product on the market or being recommended on social media should be tried on your face. Yes, your favorite skin care influencer recommended but have you considered your skin type? Also, you should give your regular products time to work on your skin before throwing new products on them.
In conclusion, there’s no such thing as perfect skin, and while those filters may look amazing, remember, people, don’t look like that in real life.